
What Is Mysimplelink and Should You Be Worried About?

Mysimplelink is a common example.

From homes to offices and even larger workplaces, all of us have been relying on wireless networking to stay up to date.

However, setting up such a network often means you will come across unknown devices connected to your internet line.

When it was first observed by internet users, they did know what it was and how it should be dealt with.

  • A few of them were also worried about losing their connection to hackers or compromise personal information.

However, with time, it became clearer that there is no such threat. Although figuring out the right identity of the device behind mysimplelink is a tough deal, you are not at risk of an attack on your personal data.

Let’s explore this mysterious term a little more so you can understand better what you are dealing with.

What Is Mysimplelink?

Interest in this grew as more and more people started raising questions on network forums.

Most of them pointed out that an unknown device showed up in their list of connected devices with the name “Mysimplelink”.

  • What worried them more was the fact that it was quite difficult to remove.

Some of them even tried to block the device altogether but to their surprise, it still showed up.

After some scrutiny, it was brought to notice that ring doorbells, video doorbells, and WiFi cameras often tend to show up with this name.

MysimpleLink – We Have Also Figured Out This New Information!

My simple link also seemed to be associated with Blink and Ring products. This was observed when users installed Blink cameras and additional devices then showed up on the router’s list of connected devices.

  • Furthermore, XXXXXsimplelink was only viewed when the camera was shifted to live mode.

In order to confirm this, we changed the MAC address of the connected device, and the hexagonal number next to – mysimplelink also changed.

Note! Multiple users have tried to confirm this by getting in touch with Blink Technical Support but they have had no luck so far.

We are also trying, at our end, to gather more information. We will update this post as soon as more news is uncovered.

Mysimplelink – What More Do We Know About?

So far we have discussed the instances in which the Simplelink turned out to be external devices such as cameras or doorbells.

However, that is not the only connection that shows up in this manner.

A couple of months back, we also came across queries that highlighted that many users experienced issues with internet speed when they tried to block the devices showing up as MySimpleLink.

This became even more obvious when modems internet speed drastically decreased to around 130 Mbps.

  • When we proceeded to unblock Mysimplelink devices, the speed again shot up to its normal value

Although this creates even more ambiguity about the nature of Simple Link devices, we can safely assume that it could have something to do with internal modem settings, and in this case, it is best to leave them as it is. 

Before You Go

This brings our attention to another major issue that we are trying to address via this post.

Since you could not identify this device easily, is it possible for others to connect to your network as well, and if yes, how would you know if such a device belongs to your circle of users or not?

In order to make your home network safe, we suggest that you learn a thing or two about…

How To Identify Unknown Devices On Your Network Such as simplelink?

Trust us, this is easier than you think! Let us walk you through a handy guide on how to identify unknown devices that have connected to your network.

Keep in mind that any device on the network can be identified with its IP address because it is unique for each member.

The device can be identified by then visiting the detail information page.

Note the IP address and the MAC address of the device in your home and match them with the information of the devices that are showing up on your connected device list.

If the two are the same, it means that the device is one from your own house. Otherwise, you should immediately proceed to block it.

Keep Your Home Network Protected At All Costs

When talking about wireless networking, the safety of your personal information should be the top priority. Just because you were safe from any serious threats this time does not mean you will be this lucky on some other day as well.

There are some practices that you should adopt to ensure that your home network is protected at all costs and all the time. Take a look!

Update Default WiFi SID

When you set up the network make sure you visit the administration settings and update the default WiFI SSID. It is important to not stick to the default username and password since it is easy to guess, especially for hackers.

Always Choose a Strong Password

Choose a strong password for your network. The measure is often indicated when you are deciding on one so don’t hurry and save a weak password just because you are impatient to continue with internet use. A strong password is your best defense against unknown devices trying to access your home network.

Disable WPS

You can log in to your router admin console by providing the password and username. Here you should choose to disable WiFi Protected Setup. This setting would also prevent unknown devices from connecting to your network.

Take-Home Message

Although little information is available in this regard, you can be sure that such connections are typically nothing to worry about.

You will have to do some trial and testing yourself to figure out which devices are being shown with this label on your network list but even if your efforts do not bear any fruit, you can choose to leave them untouched without the worry of any additional burden on your data consumption or threat to personal home networking.

Moreover, we are still on the hunt for more information regarding Mysimplelink. As soon as we have something useful to share with you, we will be quick to update this post. Stay in touch!

Frequently Asked Questions About Mysimplelink

Q#1. What is a mysimplelink device?

A mysimplelink device refers to a network device utilizing SimpleLink technology by Texas Instruments, often seen in WiFi modules like the CC3200. These devices are designed to simplify connectivity within the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling easy integration into various networks. If you see “mysimplelink” in your network, it’s likely an IoT device such as a smart sensor or camera.

Q#2. How do I identify devices on my network?

To identify devices on your network:

  • Access your router’s admin page: This can typically be done by entering the router’s IP address into a web browser.
  • Look for a section like ‘Connected Devices’: Here you can see a list of all devices connected to your network, with details such as IP addresses, device names, and MAC addresses.
  • Use network scanning tools: Tools like Fing or Wireshark can help you monitor and identify devices connected to your network.

Q#3. What is ESP on WiFi?

ESP on WiFi refers to devices that use Espressif Systems’ chips for WiFi connectivity, often found in IoT applications. ESP modules like the ESP8266 and ESP32 are popular among hobbyists and developers for adding WiFi functionality to various electronic projects. These modules are capable of operating independently or as a slave to a host MCU.

Q#4. Camera IP only loads ‘mysimplelink’: r/reolink

If your camera IP only loads a page titled ‘mysimplelink’, it might indicate that the camera is using a SimpleLink module for its WiFi connectivity and has reverted to a default state or a setup mode. This can occur after a reset or if the camera is yet to be fully configured with your network settings. Refer to the device’s manual for setup instructions or contact support for specific guidance.

Q#5. Should my ESP be on or off?

Whether your ESP (Espressif System’s chip) should be on or off depends on your usage:

  • On: If you are actively using devices that rely on this chip for connectivity or smart functionalities, it should remain on.
  • Off: If you have concerns about security, or if the device is not in use, turning it off can help save power and reduce potential network vulnerabilities.

Q#6. Do Ring devices show up with an xxxxxxMysimplelink name?

It has been observed that both, Ring and Blink amazon devices, show up with this label somehow. This is true for Ring doorbells, video doorbells, and security cameras.

Q#7. How can I identify the unknown devices on my network?

The device can be identified by visiting the detail information page. Note the IP address and the MAC address of the device in your home and match them with the information of the devices that are showing up on your connected device list.

If the two are the same, it means that the device is one from your own house. Otherwise, you should immediately proceed to block it.

Q#8. Should I be worried about seeing My Simple link on the list of my router’s connected devices?

When it was first observed by internet users, they did know what it was and how it should be dealt with. A few of them were also worried about losing their connection to hackers or compromise personal information.

However, with time, it became clearer that there is no such threat. You are not at risk of an attack on your personal data.

My Name is Hazel, I am Content Manager @freeholidaywifi. In my spare time i like to write about Tech, Software's & more. Other then that i love football & travelling new places.

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